Friday, 6 April 2007

Window Meditation

On a day like today with the sun shining brightly through the windows, I thought that this would be a relaxing meditation.


  • Sit in front of a window.

  • Take a few deep breaths.

  • As you breathe in, imagine that you are taking the sunlight into your body and that it is a healing light which is entering and rejuvenating all your body's cells.

  • When any thoughts enter your mind, as you breathe out, imagine that the thoughts are flying out of your head, out of the window and into the light outside.
Repeat this exercise: breathing in the light and breathing out your thoughts (especially any negative ones) for at least five minutes and then as long as you feel comfortable.

Adapting the Window Meditation

It may not always be a beautiful day. But you can still do the exercise with or without the sun. You could also try it at night with the moon.

If it's raining, when you do the breathing out part of the meditation, you can imagine that your negative thoughts are flying out of the window and are being purified by the rain.

Or if it is cloudy, as you breathe out, you can imagine that your stressful thoughts are being carried away on one of the clouds.