Achieving Goals - Part Two
The first step to achieving your ambitions is knowing exactly what they are.
The best way of clarifying your goals is to write them all down.
Your main goal may be to get a new job or to travel the world or to write a novel.
However for a truly holistic approach, it is a good idea to create goals for yourself in each of the following categories:
Financial - This covers your job, career aspirations, bills, debts, possessions, property etc.
Health - This covers physical and emotional healing or personal development, leisure and fitness.
Spirituality - (If you are spiritually minded) - For example, you may wish to discover a spiritual path or create your own.
Relationships - This covers your relationships with your family of origin, your partner, your children, your friends etc. including people you want to improve your relationship with, opportunities for creating new relationships and those you wish to eliminate from your life.
Once you have made your lists, you can pick the goal which is the most important to you at this particular moment and imagine in detail how you would feel to have this specific goal fulfilled.
What impact would achieving this goal have on your life?
Which emotions would you experience in the first few moments that your new goal is attained?
The Achieving Goals Series will continue over the next fortnight.
Read Achieving Goals - Part One