Thursday, 26 April 2007

Achieving Goals - Personal Success

Yesterday on Deal or no Deal, a contestant, Rita, won £18,444. Everyone in the studio was sad for her because she could have gone away with £100,000.

Rita was happy with her eighteen grand because it meant that she could fulfil a long held ambition to travel and visit the grave of the father she had never met because he had been killed during the war when she was a child.

To Rita, the amount of money she got was a success and she was delighted. But everybody else looked upset for her.

This made me realise that success is very personal. One man's hill is another man's mountain. One woman's failure is another woman's victory. It is all relative and individual.

When defining and manifesting our goals, we shouldn't think about what people around us expect of us or whatever everybody else thinks is a good goal to reach.

We should think about what success means to us. In this sense, success can be defined as what would make ME happy.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Achieving Goals - Part Four

OK, so you’ve listed and clarified your goals, you’ve chosen the main priority for your first focus and you've visualised your ambition coming true. What's next?

Draw up an action plan.
It isn't enough just to send your wishes out into the ether.
You need to plan your vision outlining the steps you need to take to achieve that goal.
This is the logical practical part of journey. Be very detailed, realistic and specific.
And remember that realism doesn't mean pessimism.

Divide your action plan into small manageable steps.
Some goals don't require a great deal of action and some require a lot of implementation.
Each day take at least one step towards achieving your goal.

Create milestones or signposts along your journey to keep you on the right track. Don't be too rigid about keeping to the finer details of your plan. Allow the Universe to do its part and to meet you halfway with synchronicities, coincidental meetings etc.

Have a strong focus but try to go with the flow at the same time. It's a fine balancing act to remain focused but not rigid and to see the big picture as well as the minute details of your future plans.

It is important to know exactly what you want but it is just as vital to know WHY you want it. So while you are creating a plan of action, it's a good time to review the purpose of your goal. Why do you want to achieve this particular ambition? Is it for financial security, happiness, creative fulfilment?

It is always good to keep the Big Picture in mind so that you are open to discovering several routes towards achieving the underlying purpose of your goal.

Read Achieving Goals - Part One

Read Achieving Goals - Part Two

Read Achieving Goals - Part Three

Friday, 20 April 2007

Achieving Goals - Part Three

You may have heard of Cosmic Ordering, the system created by Barbel Mohr for manifesting your goals.

One of Barbel Mohr's guided meditations instructs the listener to imagine that the cosmos is like the internet and to connect to the cosmos, we should imagine that we are going online.

I have created the following visualisation exercise based on the concept of cosmic ordering and the internet. It is a form of proactive prayer.


Observe your breathing for a couple of minutes and instruct your body and mind to relax.

When you are relaxed:

Imagine that you are at your PC and you are shopping online. But you are not ordering from Amazon. You are ordering from the Universe.

There are different categories in the Universe's Online Store: Career, Property, Relationships, Health and so on.

In each category, you select what you want to order. For example, in the Career section, you may order a new job. In the Property section, you may order a new house. In the Health section, you may order Peace of Mind.

When you click on each item that you want, it goes into your shopping cart.
Finally you go to your Shopping Cart and review your list.
When you are satisfied with your list, see yourself clicking the SUBMIT YOUR ORDER button.

Et voilĂ .

Read Achieving Goals - Part Two

Read Achieving Goals - Part One

Read Achieving Goals - Part Four

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Achieving Goals - Part Two

The first step to achieving your ambitions is knowing exactly what they are.

The best way of clarifying your goals is to write them all down.

Your main goal may be to get a new job or to travel the world or to write a novel.

However for a truly holistic approach, it is a good idea to create goals for yourself in each of the following categories:

Financial - This covers your job, career aspirations, bills, debts, possessions, property etc.

Health - This covers physical and emotional healing or personal development, leisure and fitness.

Spirituality - (If you are spiritually minded) - For example, you may wish to discover a spiritual path or create your own.

Relationships - This covers your relationships with your family of origin, your partner, your children, your friends etc. including people you want to improve your relationship with, opportunities for creating new relationships and those you wish to eliminate from your life.

Once you have made your lists, you can pick the goal which is the most important to you at this particular moment and imagine in detail how you would feel to have this specific goal fulfilled.

What impact would achieving this goal have on your life?

Which emotions would you experience in the first few moments that your new goal is attained?

The Achieving Goals Series will continue over the next fortnight.

Read Achieving Goals - Part One

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

New FREE Online Stress Relief Course

A new 7 day Stress Busting course is now available from my main website.

The course is absolutely free. You need do nothing more than sign up for it on the link below.
You will then receive each day's lesson by e-mail.

The course provides practical relaxation techniques and carefully designed exercises for reducing the symptoms of stress.

Discover creative and healing methods of combatting stress by enroling on the
7 Day Stress Busting E-Course.

To enrol, click on the link, scroll to the bottom of the page and complete and submit the short form:

FREE 7 Day Stress Busting E-Course

Thursday, 12 April 2007

Achieving Goals - Part One

If you are stuck in a rut and need to change an aspect of your life, one way of getting out of the rut is to change your mindset and train your mind to accept a new way of thinking.

Thoughts are made of energy and energy creates events. So it follows that creating positive thoughts and images will in turn manifest positive events.

However positive thinking or visualising your goals are sometimes not enough.

The path to realising your goals must rest on a foundation of self-love and gratitude.


If you have low self-esteem, you may feel undeserving or that the path to your goal is too difficult or that you are not good enough to attain your dream.

You have to believe deep down that you deserve to achieve your ambitions and manifest your goals otherwise your visualisation techniques may take longer to become a reality.

This can be achieved by adopting habits of self-nurturance through simple acts such as taking time out for yourself to do things you enjoy without needing to be perfect at them, meditation, reiki and self-healing techniques.


You have to be grateful for what you've got before you can progress. Sometimes you need to see the lesson or the "gift", or the silver lining of every situation so that you can move on from negative incidents in your life.

The more you say thank you to the Universe, the more you receive in return.

Once the twin tools of self care and gratitude are in place, visualisation techniques can work in a powerful and effective way.

Read Achieving Goals - Part Two

Sunday, 8 April 2007

Easter Inspiration

Easter is the celebration of resurrection and new life.

Spring is the season of rebirth.

This is a great time of year to create new plans and new projects for the next twelve months. It is the perfect time to set new goals and to start putting your plans into action.

The energy at this time of year is much better for creating new resolutions for yourself than in January, when we should really be winding down and resting. In fact, it would be great, if we could celebrate the start of the New Year in Spring instead of in Winter.

But as we can't really alter the calendar, we can alter our mindset. If you have been stuck in a rut, now is a good time to get inspired.

This month I will be looking at the connection between the imagination and achieving your goals. So continue to revisit this blog for tips and techniques on using your imagination to achieve your goals over the next few weeks.

Happy Easter

Friday, 6 April 2007

Window Meditation

On a day like today with the sun shining brightly through the windows, I thought that this would be a relaxing meditation.


  • Sit in front of a window.

  • Take a few deep breaths.

  • As you breathe in, imagine that you are taking the sunlight into your body and that it is a healing light which is entering and rejuvenating all your body's cells.

  • When any thoughts enter your mind, as you breathe out, imagine that the thoughts are flying out of your head, out of the window and into the light outside.
Repeat this exercise: breathing in the light and breathing out your thoughts (especially any negative ones) for at least five minutes and then as long as you feel comfortable.

Adapting the Window Meditation

It may not always be a beautiful day. But you can still do the exercise with or without the sun. You could also try it at night with the moon.

If it's raining, when you do the breathing out part of the meditation, you can imagine that your negative thoughts are flying out of the window and are being purified by the rain.

Or if it is cloudy, as you breathe out, you can imagine that your stressful thoughts are being carried away on one of the clouds.

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Simple Abundance

One of my favourite teachers came ten years ago in the form of a book by Sarah Ban Breathnach. I was intending to buy it as a Mother's Day present but ended up buying it for myself.

The book was called Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy. It is an inspirational book for women. It is all about finding your authentic self. The book is packed with information about creative mentors and teachers. It is full of quotations and meditations, amusing anecdotes and poignant stories. Each two month period is devoted to a particular theme such as gratitude, order, simplicity or joy.

This book can be a great companion to you both throughout the year as you read each day's passage and on any stage of your spiritual journey.

It is a particularly helpful book to have by your side if you are going through a transitional stage in life.